How does Valuation Booster work?
We target prospect Sellers
1 in 2 Sellers on Daft have not yet chosen an Agent.
(Daft Sellers Survey 2021)
Through various touch points on Daft, including our Instant Valuation tool, we connect you with people that are actively seeking a property valuation.
Agent buys leads in their chosen area(s)
Target areas where you want to win more vendor instructions.
Valuation Booster is only available to
Area Expert advertisers.
We present Agents to Sellers
Your Agency will display in a prioritised list that is ordered in relation to the time of the booking. We have a maximum of 5 slots which are all pre-selected.
It is up to the Seller who they approach. If they un-tick your Agency you will not get a lead (or be charged).
Agent receives lead
The Agent will receive the prospect's contact details, address & EIRCODE. It is then over to you to pitch your local expertise and
close the deal!
Tip: Impress with Business Plus!
Give prospects a reason to choose your Agency over & above your competitors with access to instant accurate comparable data, photos and market intelligence. More info