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The Vendor Approval Tool was created to save agents valuable admin time while simultaneously facilitating vendor-initiated upgrades. Vendor Ad Approval empowers the vendor by providing an opportunity to preview their ad and provide feedback before the ad goes live.
Vendor Approval Tool
Up to 10x more ad views
This tool enables agents to send draft ads from the Daft Admin to their vendors for review and approval.
How does it work?
The diagram below outlines the agent role and vendor journey. The tool enables a smooth process for ad approval and an additional opportunity for your vendor to choose an upgrade for their property if they wish to do so.
Step 1:
Agent places draft ad on Daft
Step 2:
Agent sends draft ad previews via
Daft admin to vendor email
Step 3:
Daft Ad reviewed & vendor informed
of Advantage Ad Upgrades
Step 4:
Vendor sends feedback/approval and the ad goes live on Daft
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