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Introducing New Homes Reporting 

More data. Better decisions.

Performance by ad type

Get a quick overview of how your ads are performing and access performance by ad type. This will enable you to monitor the impact of featured, premium and basic ads - all from one location - and help you determine if your ads are reaching their maximum potential.


Performance by demand

Easily track and monitor leads, ad views and impressions for each of your New Homes listings. Here you can create an immediate and detailed analysis of each individual development, or you can compare results against those for other developments within your portfolio.

Filter by custom date

This feature offers a complete real-time overview of your listings’ performances from the day they went live on our site. Filter by custom dates, focus in on one period, or access figures for a specific day; making forecasting and daily data analysis a breeze.


Looking to increase enquiries to your development and promote your brand?

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