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Frequently Asked Questions
GENERAL - I already have a Virtual Tour providerGreat! We offer the PAYG option as an easy way to offer virtual tour technology to all of our agents, it is in no way compulsory however. If you already work with a virtual tour provider (currently Eyespy360, Matterport and Giraffe360) you can load all of your virtual tours onto
GENERAL - My current Virtual Tour provider isn't accepted by Daft.ieAs of 11/5/20 currently accepts virtual tour formats from EyeSpy360, Matterport and Giraffe360. If you use another provider please contact us at
GENERAL - Don't I need an agency/freelancer to take these 3D tours?Some agents find it easier to outsource photography to freelancers (indeed in a recent Daft survey of 100+ agents, 26% used freelancers). In exactly the same way, some freelancers also offer virtual tours and have all the necessary kit to provide you with the tours. For recommendations on freelancers, please speak directly with your chosen virtual tour company. The Daft PAYG solution has been conceived to enable anyone to take and upload tours themselves (although if you prefer you can still outsource the image capture to a professional and they can load the images into our PAYG system).
PAYG - What resolution is the Daft PAYG tour and is it the best quality available?There are a myriad of different VR providers, and Daft doesn't support one over any other. We believe that virtual tours will be beneficial to your business and therefore we wish to support you whether you wish to use our PAYG service, or work directly with a VR provider yourself. There may be tour providers with sharper resolution or better depth perception available but the PAYG option we've chosen has been selected on the below criteria: - Outstanding live chat functionality - Low-entry cost requiring cheap, universal kit - Ease and speed of taking tours (you only need to take about 15-20 shots that take just 1 minute each) - Minimal amount of technical know how. The provider does all the complex tour stitching
PAYG - Can I use any 3D camera with Daft PAYG?As long as you can export the 360 images from your respective cameras, then yes! Our PAYG system will import any 360 equirectangular JPEG image regardless of what camera produced it. On mainstream 360 cameras this is the default setting and so is super easy.
PAYG - My camera/camera phone already takes panoramic images, do I still need a kit?"In order to create a tour, you need to stitch together multiple 360 equirectangular JPEG images. (These differ to the standard horizontal panoramic camera setting found on most phones). In order to create these images your device will need a fisheye lense on it that offers 180-360 degree capture.
PAYG - How many scenes can I have in my PAYG tour?You can upload as many scenes as you want - typically EyeSpy suggest that you take one to two images per room (depending on size). The included prices (€15 per tour, or €25 per tour/3d model/floorplan) include upto 20 images/scenes. If you require more images than this they are charged at €0.75 per image for tour only or €1.25 for tour/3d/floorplan images
PAYG - What's the 3D Model / Floorplan option?In addition to the basic tour, you can elect to have a 3 Model create of the property, along with floorplans to help property visualization even more. Examples of 3D Models (sometimes called Doll's Houses) and the Floorplan generated by the 3D Model/Floorplan option are shown below: The Tour with 3D model and floorplan costs €25 for a tour with 20 images or less, and €1.25 per additional image. Note: Live Chat is available with both the standard tour and the tour/3d model/floorplan option Here's an example of a 3D tour (you can then toggle through to a floorplan view)
PAYG - How do I initiate the live chat?When your video is live on Daft (or indeed any site you add it to) you can click on the live person chat icon to send the link to the client you wish to provide with a live/guided viewing. Depending on your device this will start the live tour and provide a range of ways to share the viewing link Desktop view will allow you to mail or skype the link to a user, while mobile view: may alow you to use messenger, whatsapp and sms too (if you have those apps installed).
PAYG - Can multiple people can join the live chat?Yes, you can send the same link to two or three different people and they can all join the call at the same time. Use the same link for all participants. However, this doesn't mean that a colleague and yourself can't do multiple virtual viewings at the same time. You should both independently click the live chat icon and you'll be able to share unique links - in this way you can share the viewing with one set of buyers, while your colleague can share the viewing with another set, completely independent of each other.
PAYG - How many times can I use the live chat / what does it cost?Live chat can be used an unlimited amount of times, and is fully included as part of your tour price.
PAYG - How long does the live chat last?The live chat will go on for as long as you like, but every 15 minutes a small pop-up will appear to check you're still using the service. If you do not click on "Yes" then you will be disconnected a few seconds later, otherwise you can carry on for as long as you would like.
PAYG - Once I've created a PAYG tour, can I download it and put it on my own / other websites?"You can't download the tour because it lives on EyeSpy's servers, much like a YouTube video sits on theirs. However you're very welcome to re-use the tour functionality. You can do this by using the tour link - simply edit your ad in Daft Agent Admin, go to the media section and you'll see a URL - starting in the virtual tour area. You can use the link and get the tour to display on your own website as a playable tour (not just as a text url).
PAYG - What Tripod do I need for the camera?Any tripod with a 1/4" screw head will do (this is the most common type). As well as traditional tripods, you can also look for light stand tripods. These normally hold photography lights, but as they are lightweight and have a small footprint they're ideal for these tours too. You can find these on Amazon and in most photographic shops.
Still got questions?
We're here to help! Whether talking you through how to upload your existing tours, explaining more about the Daft PAYG solution, or hooking you up with a suitable supplier, please just send us an-email on
© Daft Media Limited 1997-2019. Registered in Ireland under Company Number 347856
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